
Generates something like a CSS selector for an element, and finds said elements based on selectors. A portable description of an element.

  • /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
     * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
    define(["util", "jquery"], function (util, $) {
      var elementFinder = util.Module("elementFinder");
      var assert = util.assert;
      elementFinder.ignoreElement = function ignoreElement(el) {
        if (el instanceof $) {
          el = el[0];
        while (el) {
          if ($(el).hasClass("togetherjs")) {
            return true;
          el = el.parentNode;
        return false;
      elementFinder.elementLocation = function elementLocation(el) {
        assert(el !== null, "Got null element");
        if (el instanceof $) {
  • a jQuery element

          el = el[0];
        if (el.id) {
          return "#" + el.id;
        if (el.tagName == "BODY") {
          return "body";
        if (el.tagName == "HEAD") {
          return "head";
        if (el === document) {
          return "document";
        var parent = el.parentNode;
        if (! parent) {
          console.warn("elementLocation(", el, ") has null parent");
          throw "No locatable parent found";
        var parentLocation = elementLocation(parent);
        var children = parent.childNodes;
        var index = 0;
        for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
          if (children[i] == el) {
          if (children[i].nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            if (children[i].className.indexOf("togetherjs") != -1) {
  • Don't count our UI

  • Don't count text or comments

        return parentLocation + ":nth-child(" + (index+1) + ")";
      elementFinder.CannotFind = util.Class({
        constructor: function CannotFind(location, reason, context) {
          this.prefix = "";
          this.location = location;
          this.reason = reason;
          this.context = context;
        toString: function () {
          var loc;
          try {
            loc = elementFinder.elementLocation(this.context);
          } catch (e) {
            loc = this.context;
          return (
            "[CannotFind " + this.prefix +
              "(" + this.location + "): " +
              this.reason + " in " +
              loc + "]");
      elementFinder.findElement = function findElement(loc, container) {
  • FIXME: should this all just be done with document.querySelector()? But no! We can't ignore togetherjs elements with querySelector. But maybe! We could make togetherjs elements less obtrusive?

        container = container || document;
        var el, rest;
        if (loc === "body") {
          return document.body;
        } else if (loc === "head") {
          return document.head;
        } else if (loc === "document") {
          return document;
        } else if (loc.indexOf("body") === 0) {
          el = document.body;
          try {
            return findElement(loc.substr(("body").length), el);
          } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof elementFinder.CannotFind) {
              e.prefix = "body" + e.prefix;
            throw e;
        } else if (loc.indexOf("head") === 0) {
          el = document.head;
          try {
            return findElement(loc.substr(("head").length), el);
          } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof elementFinder.CannotFind) {
              e.prefix = "head" + e.prefix;
            throw e;
        } else if (loc.indexOf("#") === 0) {
          var id;
          loc = loc.substr(1);
          if (loc.indexOf(":") === -1) {
            id = loc;
            rest = "";
          } else {
            id = loc.substr(0, loc.indexOf(":"));
            rest = loc.substr(loc.indexOf(":"));
          el = document.getElementById(id);
          if (! el) {
            throw elementFinder.CannotFind("#" + id, "No element by that id", container);
          if (rest) {
            try {
              return findElement(rest, el);
            } catch (e) {
              if (e instanceof elementFinder.CannotFind) {
                e.prefix = "#" + id + e.prefix;
              throw e;
          } else {
            return el;
        } else if (loc.indexOf(":nth-child(") === 0) {
          loc = loc.substr((":nth-child(").length);
          if (loc.indexOf(")") == -1) {
            throw "Invalid location, missing ): " + loc;
          var num = loc.substr(0, loc.indexOf(")"));
          num = parseInt(num, 10);
          var count = num;
          loc = loc.substr(loc.indexOf(")") + 1);
          var children = container.childNodes;
          el = null;
          for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
            var child = children[i];
            if (child.nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
              if (child.className.indexOf("togetherjs") != -1) {
              if (count === 0) {
  • this is the element

                el = child;
          if (! el) {
            throw elementFinder.CannotFind(":nth-child(" + num + ")", "container only has " + (num - count) + " elements", container);
          if (loc) {
            try {
              return elementFinder.findElement(loc, el);
            } catch (e) {
              if (e instanceof elementFinder.CannotFind) {
                e.prefix = ":nth-child(" + num + ")" + e.prefix;
              throw e;
          } else {
            return el;
        } else {
          throw elementFinder.CannotFind(loc, "Malformed location", container);
      elementFinder.elementByPixel = function (height) {
        /* Returns {location: "...", offset: pixels}
           To get the pixel position back, you'd do:
             $(location).offset().top + offset
        function search(start, height) {
          var last = null;
          var children = start.children();
          children.each(function () {
            var el = $(this);
            if (el.hasClass("togetherjs") || el.css("position") == "fixed" || ! el.is(":visible")) {
            if (el.offset().top > height) {
              return false;
            last = el;
          if ((! children.length) || (! last)) {
  • There are no children, or only inapplicable children

            return {
              location: elementFinder.elementLocation(start[0]),
              offset: height - start.offset().top,
              absoluteTop: height,
              documentHeight: $(document).height()
          return search(last, height);
        return search($(document.body), height);
      elementFinder.pixelForPosition = function (position) {
        /* Inverse of elementFinder.elementByPixel */
        if (position.location == "body") {
          return position.offset;
        var el;
        try {
          el = elementFinder.findElement(position.location);
        } catch (e) {
          if (e instanceof elementFinder.CannotFind && position.absoluteTop) {
  • We don't trust absoluteTop to be quite right locally, so we adjust for the total document height differences:

            var percent = position.absoluteTop / position.documentHeight;
            return $(document).height() * percent;
          throw e;
        var top = $(el).offset().top;
  • FIXME: maybe here we should test for sanity, like if an element is hidden. We can use position.absoluteTop to get a sense of where the element roughly should be. If the sanity check failed we'd use absoluteTop

        return top + position.offset;
      return elementFinder;